data structure
Java basics – data structure
data structure
A linear table with limited operations only allows insert and delete operations at one end, and does not allow adding, searching, or deleting operations at any other position.
- First in, Last out
- The entrance and exit of the stack are the top positions of the stack
A linear table with limited operations that only allows insert operations on one end of the table and delete operations on the other end of the table.
- First in first out
- The entrance and exit of the queue occupy one side each
An ordered sequence of elements that opens up a continuous space in memory and stores elements in this space
- Find elements fast (by index)
- Adding and deleting elements is slow (need to create a new array and copy data)
Linked List
It consists of a series of nodes, which can be dynamically generated at runtime. Each node consists of two parts: one is the data field for storing data elements, and the other is the pointer field. Commonly used linked list structures include singly linked lists and doubly linked lists.
- Connect between multiple nodes by address
- Finding elements is slow (search backwards through connected nodes in turn, each query element must start from the beginning)
- Fast addition and deletion of elements (modification of the pointer has no effect on the overall structure of the linked list)
Red Black Tree
The tree has multiple nodes to store elements. There is a certain relationship between certain nodes, which is represented by connecting lines, which are called edges. The upper node of the edge is called the parent node, and the lower end is called the child node. The tree is like a forked root.
Binary tree: Binary tree is a special tree, each node of binary tree can only have 2 child nodes at most.
Sorting tree/search tree: Based on the binary tree, the elements are in order of size, the left subtree is small, and the right subtree is large.
Balanced tree: The tree whose height difference between the left and right subtrees does not exceed 1 is a balanced binary tree.
Red-Black Tree
Features: approaching a balanced tree, the query speed is very fast, and the maximum and minimum number of query leaf nodes does not exceed twice
Nodes can be red or black
The root node is black
The leaf nodes are black
The child nodes of each red node are black
The number of black nodes on all paths from any node to each leaf node is the same
List interface
The java.util.List interface inherits from the Collection interface and is an important branch of a single-column collection
- Features:
- An ordered collection, the order of storing elements and extracting elements is the same
- Indexed, including some indexed methods
- Allow storage of duplicate elements
- Unique method:
public void add(int index, E element)
: add the specified element to the specified positionpublic E get(int index)
: Returns the element at the specified position in the collectionpublic E remove(int index)
: remove the element at the specified position in the collectionpublic E set(int index, E element)
: replace the element at the specified position in the set with the specified element (the return value is the element before replacement)
Note: Prevent IndexOutOfBoundsException
List implementation class
ArrayList: variable-size array implementation, this implementation is not synchronous
LinkedList: Linked list structure, a collection that facilitates the addition and deletion of elements, this implementation is not synchronized
Unique method:
public void addFirst(E e)
: insert the specified element into the beginning of the linked listpublic void addLast(E e)
: insert the specified element into the end of the linked listpublic void push(E e)
: insert the specified element into the stack represented by this listpublic E getFirst()
: Returns the element at the beginning of the linked listpublic E getLast()
: return the end element of the linked listpublic E removeFirst()
: remove the element at the beginning of the linked listpublic E removeLast()
: remove the end element of the linked listpublic E pop()
: Pop an element from the stack represented by this listpublic boolean isEmpty()
: Determine whether the linked list is emptyNote: Prevent NoSuchElementException
Vector: can realize the growth of the object array, this realization is synchronous
Set interface
The java.util.Set interface inherits from the Collection interface and is an important branch of a single-column set
- Features:
- Do not allow storage of duplicate elements
- There is no index and no method with index
Set implementation class
HashSet: is an unordered set, the bottom layer is a hash table structure (very fast query speed)
Hash value: is an integer, directly given by the system, in the Object class
int hashCode()
can get the hash value of the objectHash table structure: array after JDK1.8++ red-black tree, group elements (the same hash value is a group), red-black tree connects a group of elements together
The add method will call the hashcode and equals methods. When storing custom elements, the hashcode and equals methods must be rewritten
LinkedHashSet: inherits the HashSet class, has the realization of the hash table and linked list of the Set interface with predictable iteration order
One more linked list (the storage order of the record elements) to ensure the order of the elements
variable parameter
New features after JDK1.5+
Modifier Return value type Method name (parameter type... formal parameter name) { Method body }
Equivalent to
Modifier Return value type Method name (parameter type [] formal parameter name) { Method body }
The parameter list of a method can only have one variable parameter
If a method has multiple parameters, variable parameters must be written at the end of the parameter list
Special wording of variable parameters
public static void method(Object... obj){ Method body }
java.utils.Collections is a collection tool class used to manipulate collection elements. Common methods are as follows:
public static <T> boolean addAll(Collection<T> c, T... elements)
: add some elements to the collectionpublic static void shuffle(List<?> list)
: Disrupt the order of the collectionpublic static <T> void sort(List<T> list)
: sort the elements in the collection according to the default rules (ascending order)public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? Super T>)
: sort the elements in the collection according to the specified rules
The prerequisite for the use of the sort method: the elements stored in the sorted collection must implement the Comparable interface, and override the compareTo method to define the sorting rules
Sorting rules: this-parameter->ascending order; parameter-this->descending order
Comparator can be written as an anonymous inner class
Collections.sort(list,new Comparator<Student>(){ @Override public int compare(Student o1,Student o2){ Method body } })