collections and generics
Java basics – collections and generics
Collections and generics
Collection: a container provided in java that can be used to store multiple data
- Collection vs Array
- The length of the collection is variable, and the length of the array is immutable
- Arrays store elements of the same type, and collections store objects, which can be inconsistent
List interface
an ordered collection
Allow storage of duplicate elements
There is index, you can use for loop to traverse
Vector, ArrayList, LinkedList
Set interface
Do not allow storage of duplicate elements
Without an index, you cannot use a for loop to traverse
TreeSet (unordered), HashSet (unordered), LinkedHashSet (ordered)
Defines the methods common to all single-column sets (there is no method with index)
public boolean add(E e)
: add the given object to the current collectionpublic void clear()
: Clear all elements in the collectionpublic boolean remove(E e)
: remove the given object from the collectionpublic boolean contains(E e)
: Determine whether the set contains the given objectpublic boolean isEmpty()
: Determine whether the current collection is emptypublic int size()
: returns the number of elements in the collectionpublic Object[] toArray()
: Store the elements in the collection into an array
Used to access elements in Collection
boolean hasNext()
: If there are still elements to iterate, return trueE next()
: returns the next element of the iteration
Note: Iterator is an interface, you can get iterator through the iterator method in Collection
Collection<String> coll=new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<String> it=coll.iterator();
Enhanced for loop: Iterator (JDK1.5+) is also used at the bottom to traverse collections or arrays
All single-column collections can use enhanced for
for (collection/array data type variable name: collection name/array name) { System.out.println(variable name); }
Generic: an unknown data type, when we don’t know what data type to use, we can use generics
- Benefits of using generics
- Avoid the trouble of type conversion
- Raise the runtime exception to compile time
Definition and use of generics
Define and use generic classes
Modifier class class name <representing generic variable>{...}
Such as:
class ArrayList<E>{ public boolean add(E e){......} ... }//definition ArrayList<Integer> arr=new ArrayList<>();//use
Define and use generic methods
Modifier <type> return value type method name (parameter list (using generics)) { Method body }
Such as:
public <M> void method(M m){ ... }//definition //use method(10); method("abc");
Note: what type is passed, generic type is what type
Define and use generic interfaces
Modifier interface class name <representing generic variables> {...}
- The implementation class determines the type
- Define an implementation class with generics
Generic wildcards ? Represents any data type How to use:
- Cannot create objects and use them only as method parameters
Advanced use of wildcards-restricted generics
- The upper limit of generics:
type name <? extends class> object name;
Can only receive this type and its subclasses - The lower limit of generics:
type name <? super class> object name;
Can only receive the type and its parent
- The upper limit of generics: